Choosing Herbs For People Rather Than Their ‘Conditions’ with Lucy Jones

  • Lucy Jones
  • Open to All Levels
  • 1.5 hour video
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Uncover a root cause approach to treatment.
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About this class.

We are delighted to have Lucy Jones, medical herbalist and author, join us to teach about understanding and sustainably treating people instead of their symptoms.

If you’ve ever wondered about which herb to choose for a patient or yourself, you won’t want to miss this masterclass.

People often ask: ‘Which herb can I take for a particular condition?’.
Whilst this information may at first seem helpful, choosing herbs in terms of conditions isn’t fulfilling their healing potential and it may, in some cases, actually make things worse.

To get lasting and sustainable relief from ill health, we need to choose herbs that suit each individual person and the root cause of their health condition.

To illustrate the magic of working in this way, we’ll be looking at the various factors we need to consider, using a couple of common chronic health presentations as examples.

Lucy talks about the different possible root causes for these common conditions and, having been through these, we’ll understand how to apply this same investigative process to all health conditions that we may be faced with.As well as each person being unique, so are the herbs that we work with.

This workshop is suitable for anyone who’s interested in taking or prescribing herbs, whether you’re taking your first steps on the herbal path or whether you’ve been treading it for many years. All are welcome!

Lucy is passionate about seeing herbs as individuals rather than just lists of constituents or conditions that ‘they’re good for’.

This means that, following a consultation, she can confidently act as a ‘herbal matchmaker’ for people seeking help.

By the end of this class, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how best to work with herbs holistically and will be a better herbal matchmaker yourself.

Course Lessons

Get a personalised certificate of completion when you finish.
Enroll in this class and watch at your own time and pace.
discover holistic ways of working with herbs and people
learn from a true expert in both clinical practice and making herbal medicines.

Lucy Jones

Lucy Jones is a medical herbalist with a busy high street practice in Somerset, UK. She grows or gathers the majority of the herbs that she works with and is a passionate proponent of self-sufficient herbalism.
Prior to qualifying in western herbalism, she studied Tibetan Medicine with the great master Khenpo Troru Tsenam.
This experience deeply influences her approach to therapeutic practice as well as the way that she grows and processes her herbs.
She originally trained in Agriculture and Forestry and has two degrees from the University of Oxford.She is author of Self-Sufficient Herbalism and A Working Herbal Dispensary.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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